Customer Service

Bills and Payments

Basis for Preparation of Bills

All bills for services furnished by the authority will be based on the authority’s published rate schedule and are billed to the tax parcel owner of record. A tenant can be invoiced if the owner executes an owner/tenant agreement. For sewer-only customers, sewer charges can either be a flat rate or based on the amount of water used each quarter as determined from the water meter reading. When a reading cannot be obtained, an estimated invoice will be sent requesting the customer contact the authority to set up an appointment. Each “premises” will be subject to a fixed quarterly service charge for each meter. Such service charge shall be non-abatable and noncumulative against subsequent consumption.

Bill Payment Dates and Rules
All bills are payable by mail to the Warwick Township Water and Sewer Authority; Box 315; Jamison, PA 18929 or, in person, at 1733 Township Greene, Jamison, PA.

The Authority will bill quarterly and bills will be rendered as soon as practicable after the receipt of necessary meter reading. Customers should anticipate receiving a quarterly bill at this time and should contact the business office if they have not received it. It is, ultimately, the customers’ responsibility for paying it on time. All bills are due and payable within 30 days after the end of the service period covered. A penalty of 15% will be added to all bills if not paid when due. Acceptance of remittance of bills shall be determined by the date of actual receipt of the customer’s payment at the Jamison Post Office. A delinquent notice will be served by mail one week following the 30-day bill payment period indicating the new current balance, which includes the late penalty charge. If, after 2 weeks, the Authority receives no response to the delinquent notice, a certified letter is mailed advising the customer to pay the delinquent amount in full within 10 days or enforcement action may be taken which may include: filing a lien on the property and/or shutting off water service. These alternatives will result in additional costs to the customer. The Authority will make arrangements for a payment plan for any responsive, cooperative customer.

All bills and notices relating to the Authority or its business shall be deemed to have been served if mailed to the customer, left upon the premises of the customer, or served in person at his address shown on the records of the Authority.

All notices of general character, affecting or likely to affect a large number of customers, shall be deemed to have been properly given or served if advertised in the newspaper designated by the Authority.

Abatement of Sewer Charges
No abatement of sewer charges is permitted. Two steps have been taken to resolve the issue of billing for water not entering the sewer system. They are applicable to single family residential users only. First, water consumption used in sewer billings will be reduced by 20 percent. In other words, a customer using 10,000 gallons of water will be billed for sewer based on only 8,000 gallons. Second, there will not be any sewer billings over 40,000 gallons per quarter for all quarters. To offset any concerns that these changes might promote an excessive use of water, an additional block was included in the water rates at a higher charge.

Changes to Rules and Regulations
No agent or employee of the authority, or authority member, shall have authority to bind it by any promise, agreement or representation not provided for in these rules without approval of the board of the authority.

Complaints relative to the character of the service furnished, the readings of meters, or concerning bills rendered shall be made in writing and mailed to the office of the Authority or shall be made via a phone call to the authority office at 215-343-3584. To avoid a late penalty, a disputed bill should be “Paid Under Protest” written in the notes area while awaiting a resolution. 

Lead and Copper Testing of Your Water Supply

We are compiling a list of residents who want to participate in the Lead and Copper testing.  As it gets closer, we will email more details.  But it's pretty simple.... We will give you a date in June.  The night before the date, we will drop off a bottle for you to put your sample in.  The next morning you place the bottle out on your step, and we will be by to pick it up.   When we get the results, we will email them to you.

 Send an email to and let me know if you want to participate.