Customer Service
Meters, Readings, Leaks, Tests, & Condition
All meters, unless otherwise indicated, will be furnished and installed by the authority, subject to the fees currently in effect and will remain the property of the authority and be accessible to and subject to its control and maintenance. It is unlawful to remove or tamper with authority property, such as meter, curb stops, etc. The area to and around the inside meter, outside remote, and MXU must be kept free of obstacles and encumbrances to permit safe and speedy access for meter readings. Meter readers will not take readings in potentially physically dangerous situations (in the presence of electric fencing, thorn bushes, dogs, etc.).
Reading and Registration of Meters
Readings of meters shall be taken quarterly, and the reading of the meter shall be presumed correct. When a reading cannot be obtained, the quantity will be determined by the average consumption of the meter for four quarters (when available). To obtain a more precise reading, the customer must contact the authority to set up an appointment. The authority reserves the right to read inside meters.
Customers are urged to give careful attention to their
plumbing and fixtures and make immediate correction of all leaks. No allowance
will be made by the authority for water used, lost, stolen, or otherwise wasted
through leaks, carelessness, neglect, or other variables after the water has
passed through the water meter. The authority suggests routinely engaging in
making simple home tests for evidence of leaks in the residential system.Â
For example:
Record the meter reading before retiring at night and, while refraining from any further use of water during the night, record the reading first thing the next morning. If the meter has advanced, water has gone through the system and a leak is apparent. Contact a licensed plumber if you are unable to detect and correct the source of this leak on your own.
Add a few drops of food coloring to the toilet tank before retiring at night and refrain from any further use of water during the night. In the morning, before using the toilets, check to see whether the food coloring has infiltrated the water in the toilet bowl. If so, you have water leaking through your toilet tank. Toilet repair kits are available at hardware and home repair stores and the authority suggests repairing the faulty toilet(s) as soon as possible, as this is usually a simple procedure; otherwise, contact a licensed plumber.
Dye kits to test for leaks are available free of charge at our office.
Meter Tests
All meters are tested for accuracy by the manufacturer’s factory prior to installation on your premises. Should any customer of the authority at any time doubt the accuracy or correctness of the meter measuring the water delivered to the customer’s premises, the authority will have an independent test of the accuracy of the meter performed, upon a written request of the customer. If the meter is found to be accurate within stated standards, fees determined from the rate schedule for a new meter, installation, and testing shall be paid to the authority by the customer requesting the test, should a new meter be installed regardless. If the meter is determined to be inaccurate, the costs shall be borne by the authority. When making such a request, the customer shall agree to the basis of payment specified, or as currently in effect. A report of such tests shall be made to the customer and a complete record shall be kept by the authority.
Customer may pay fees in advance of meter testing
Notification of Condition of Meter
The customer shall notify the authority of damage to or of the non-working meter, as soon as he or she is cognizant of such a condition. The customer is liable for any damage to the water meter on his or her premises and shall be billed for a new meter plus installation.
Curb Stops
All curb stops should be exposed and are for the exclusive use of the Authority except, when due to a break in the service line, a plumber is permitted to shut off the curb stop. The control of the water supply by the customer shall be by means of a ball valve. which will usually be located just inside the building wall and before the meter.