Right to Know

Right to Know

Pennsylvania’s Right to Know Law or Act 3 of 2008 was signed by Gov. Edward G. Rendell on February 14, 2008 and became effective on January 1, 2009.

The board of the Warwick Township Water & Sewer Authority approved Resolution 2008-03, for compliance with Pennsylvania’s Right to Know Law.

To request public records from the Warwick Township Water & Sewer Authority, complete the Right-to-Know Request Form and return it to the open records officer, Lauri Halderson, at lhalderson@wtwsa.org, or by fax to 215-491-9170. Written requests will be responded to in accordance with the Pennsylvania Right to Know Law.

Lead and Copper Testing of Your Water Supply

We are compiling a list of residents who want to participate in the Lead and Copper testing.  As it gets closer, we will email more details.  But it's pretty simple.... We will give you a date in June.  The night before the date, we will drop off a bottle for you to put your sample in.  The next morning you place the bottle out on your step, and we will be by to pick it up.   When we get the results, we will email them to you.

 Send an email to jleber@wtwsa.org and let me know if you want to participate.