2023 Rate Schedule
As previously announced, the 2023 rates have been adjusted. Details can be viewed here 2023 Rate Schedule
2023 Rate Schedule Read More »
As previously announced, the 2023 rates have been adjusted. Details can be viewed here 2023 Rate Schedule
2023 Rate Schedule Read More »
Dear Authority Customer, This letter is to inform you that the Board of Directors for the Warwick Township Water and Sewer Authority passed its 2023 operating budget which includes a 5% rate increase for water and sewer services. As always, your volunteer Board members continue to work hard to keep any and all rate increases
Planned Rate Increase Read More »
1. The average American home’s water leaks amount to more than 10,000 gallons of wasted water each year. That amount of water could be used to wash 270 loads of laundry. 2. One tenth of U.S. homes have plumbing leaks that squander 90 gallons of water every day. 3. Repairing easy-to-fix home plumbing leaks can
There are many reasons why. We will share some fast facts with you here to put this in context. There will be about 1 billion more mouths to feed worldwide by 2025 and global agriculture alone will require another 1 trillion cubic meters of water per year (equal to the annual flow of 20 Niles
Why Conserve Water? Read More »
Lead and Copper Testing of Your Water Supply
We are compiling a list of residents who want to participate in the Lead and Copper testing. As it gets closer, we will email more details.  But it's pretty simple.... We will give you a date in June. The night before the date, we will drop off a bottle for you to put your sample in. The next morning you place the bottle out on your step, and we will be by to pick it up.  When we get the results, we will email them to you.
 Send an email to jleber@wtwsa.org and let me know if you want to participate. Â