Planned Rate Increase

Dear Authority Customer,

This letter is to inform you that the Board of Directors for the Warwick Township Water and Sewer Authority passed its 2023 operating budget which includes a 5% rate increase for water and sewer services. As always, your volunteer Board members continue to work hard to keep any and all rate increases to a minimum. Operating costs have increased due to the price of supplies and materials and the treatment costs for sewage disposal. The new rates for water and sewer services will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2023 and will be included on your April 2023 bill. As utility costs throughout the industry continue to rise, the Authority Board and staff are committed to managing those costs and staying efficient while upholding the Authority’s commitment to a sustainable future. These rate adjustments will help ensure the reliability and affordability of essential water and sewer services. They will also support the Authority’s commitment to the replacement of aging infrastructure. Even with this new schedule, our rates are still near the lowest in the region.

Additionally, in the new year the Authority will be rolling out a new online bill payment portal for its customers. The new service will allow customers to view and pay their bill using various methods anytime through an online portal. Customers can also use the auto-pay feature to save time and avoid late or missed payments

As always, it is our committed mission to provide you with a safe, clean, redundant water supply and reliable sewage disposal as efficiently and cost effectively as possible. If you have questions about the rate changes or the new customer portal, please visit our new website at, or feel free to call us at 253-343-3584.


Michael Sullivan, Executive Director

Warwick Township Water and Sewer Authority

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Lead and Copper Testing of Your Water Supply

We are compiling a list of residents who want to participate in the Lead and Copper testing.  As it gets closer, we will email more details.  But it's pretty simple.... We will give you a date in June.  The night before the date, we will drop off a bottle for you to put your sample in.  The next morning you place the bottle out on your step, and we will be by to pick it up.   When we get the results, we will email them to you.

 Send an email to and let me know if you want to participate.